This cat’s fantastic scowl perfectly summarizes her feelings about the new haircut

First she surveys the damage, then she looks at her human with utter contempt…

(via Say OMG)

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3 responses to “This cat’s fantastic scowl perfectly summarizes her feelings about the new haircut”

  1. anna says:

    Owners of long haired cats often shave them in the hot season to spare the cat any discomfort. A cat’s body temperature runs several degrees hotter than humans, and to keep a kitty comfortable in the heat may mean a very high electric bill. Shaving a cat doesn’t hurt anything but their tender pride! As long as the sensitive whiskers are intact, no harm done.

  2. tammy says:

    that was seriously stupid. Not really good at all, not funny, and on top of that, why would you shave a cat? That is borderline cruel. They have fur for a reason. Unless it was matted down and unhealthy, there was no reason to do that. Just the human’s will forced on a cat, with a really ugly result.I hope the cat shat in that woman’s shoes.

  3. Natalie says:

    You shave a cat because of matting, infection, or in extreme heat. There has been no actual damage, save loss of dignity, to this kitty. She’s clearly a well-loved pet.Some people really go looking for drama.

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