PSA from a real nerd — If you’re tempted to call yourself one, you’re not

9 responses to “PSA from a real nerd — If you’re tempted to call yourself one, you’re not”

  1. Doughboy1917 says:

    “Almost too true to be funny…”It’s supposed to be funny? I didn’t laugh. I know plenty of people just like that guy. Hell, I have a bunch of the same traits.

  2. Caustic says:

    exactly this. remember when other lunch tables would throw stuff at yours because you were talking about anime, or other kids would walk over and scatter you and your friend’s cards in the middle of a game? yeah, it happened to me too.

  3. Cheryl says:

    That the only faux nerd featured was a female and the only example of a faux nerd he gives is a “sexy girl who went and saw a second week screening of ‘The Avengers’”. Whether or not there was an intentional ‘shame on Fake Geek Girls’ thing going on or not, that only women were featured as faux nerds is a problem.

  4. Possum says:

    “Usually I’m really good at ranting.”

  5. Thomas says:

    Well said!

  6. Ryan says:

    I think that this is less of a commentary on the (surprisingly small but overly vocal) anti-feminism in nerd/gaming culture, and more of a poke at the recent surge in geek-chic culture, of the guys and girls both who buy a doctor who shirt and big fake glasses to appear nerdy. A poke from the people who got beat up in high school for bringing magic cards to school or talking about final fantasy at the lunch table. I know several lady-nerds, and i’ve never doubted their nerd credentials, but I’ve met a lot more faux-nerds (guys and girls) in the last 2 years who don’t know a thing about the culture they claim to be a part of.

  7. Cheryl says:

    I agree. I picked up a ‘cred check the Fake Geek Girls’ vibe coming off of this, and regardless of if that was what was intended or not, there are those who will take it as supporting the belief that women who express an interest in nerdy/geeky things aren’t ‘real’ nerds/geeks.

  8. Andrew Horn says:

    Funny, but- I worry this is going to feed into the actual HATE that is happening nowadays towards women who enjoy comic books, SF, etc. You know something? If an attractive, not-always-socially-awkward person likes what I like, has enthusiasm towards it, and wants to be called a nerd- how does that hurt me?

  9. Cheryl says:

    Totally ignore the second paragraph of the above post. I misunderstood the context of a few comments and have no way to edit what I said. Feeling rather foolish right now.

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