Molten metal anthill art — Destroying pests and creating amazing sculptures all at once

Instead of destroying nuisance ants with pesticides, the guys at Anthill Art are much more crafty about it. They melt aluminum and then pour it down into the ants’ labyrinthine tunnels and caves. Once the metal rehardens, they carefully dig it out, revealing a remarkably intricate sculpture.

Here they are at work…

And here are some examples of the final product…

Anthill Art - 01

Anthill Art - 02

Anthill Art - 03

Anthill Art - 04

Anthill Art - 05

Anthill Art - 06

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Anthill Art - 09

Anthill Art - 10

Anthill Art’s work is available on Ebay.

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4 responses to “Molten metal anthill art — Destroying pests and creating amazing sculptures all at once”

  1. Kerrin says:

    Oh man…… that is so bad but so good

  2. Katos says:

    The medical world jus might be interested in this. Sounds like they have to be full of anty-bodies……

  3. Anna says:

    Your ants are gone, but we dug up your yard.

  4. Jase says:

    What a prick.

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