Here's a chicken with a plunger stuck to its butt so scientists to see how dinosaurs moved

8 responses to “Here's a chicken with a plunger stuck to its butt so scientists to see how dinosaurs moved”

  1. DVSBSTrD says:

    Got a better deal than Robot Chicken.

  2. WhoisOnlar says:

    Caption is wrong. This was testing innovative ways to combat constipation.

  3. JayZitro says:

    “Our study shows dinosaurs walked extremely uncomfortable with a somewhat shameful look on their face”.

  4. Dominian says:

    “That’s historical science.” OH NO! HE GOT INTO MY HEAD!

  5. smithenheimer says:


  6. TheChinamanIsNotTheIssue says:

    so scientists to see how dinosaurs moved

  7. MrTantram says:


  8. MrsTrax says:

    Ahh my tax dollars at work…

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